we are working on a way to have this page translate into other languages at sometime in the future. Additionally we will be developing a method of have this page direct their request to a vessel examiner who speaks the language they wish.
Both the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the United States Power Squadrons have certified vessel examiners who will perform a free Vessel Safety Check (“VSC”) at your boat, at a time of mutual convenience. There is no charge, and no consequences if you don’t pass. Our goal is simply to help make boating as safe as possible for you, your family and your friends, through education. Personal pleasure craft, only(*).
Please fill out the form below, completing every field. Note that we typically can perform the VSC wherever your boat is located, or by mutual arrangement you may bring your boat to our examiner. Note: The correct STREET ADDRESS of the boat or marina’s location is required to find the nearest examiner(s).
You will be contacted by one of up to five volunteer examiners, whose names will be provided in a confirmation email. Hit SUBMIT when all required fields are complete. The Street Address, City and Zip Code must match, in each case. Do not use a PO Box for the address as it cannot be used to calculate the distance to our volunteers. When you click the Submit button, you will be taken to a new page. If it returns to this page, there is a problem with your information, email, phone or address or if your information is correct it means there are no volunteer examiners within twenty miles of your location.